Huntwood Avenue Traffic Signal Upgrade

Cars and trucks at the Huntwood Ave. intersection

Project Overview:

The Huntwood Avenue Traffic Signal Upgrade Project will improve the existing traffic signal system, signing and striping to enhance bicycle and pedestrian safety, safety of vehicles maneuvering through the intersections, and optimize traffic flow at the intersections of Huntwood Avenue/Industrial Parkway and Huntwood Avenue/Sandoval Way. The traffic signal system upgrade will aim to minimize spillover of traffic queues on the railroad tracks on Huntwood Avenue, south of Sandoval Way. This project will be implemented at minimal cost to the City, as it is part of the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 10.

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Project Objectives:

  1. Upgrade Traffic Signal System & Improve Signal Timings
  2. Improve Traffic Flow and Reduce Traffic Queues
  3. Enhance Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety

Bullseye chart

Community Meetings:

There are no community meetings scheduled at this time. To review materials from the Monday, Nov. 8, 2021 community meeting, please scroll to Relevant Documents below.

Project Schedule:

  • Community Outreach - Community Outreach Meeting and Survey will be conducted in November and December 2021 to gather feedback from the residents.
  • HSIP Cycle 10 Approval - The City applied for and was approved for the Huntwood Avenue Traffic Signal Upgrade Project in June 2021.
  • Design - Based on the feedback received from the community, design plans will be developed – November 2021 to June 2022.
  • Iinfrastructure Committee and Council Meetings - Design Plans will be presented to the City Council for final approval – April 2022.
  • Construction - Construction will begin in October 2022.

Project roadmap with milestones

Relevant Documents:

Questions? Contact: Ayeh Khajouei, PhD., AICP, CNU-a Associate Transportation Planner Email: