For the Media

Interview Requests
Contact Chuck Finnie (415-342-2450) to schedule interviews with appropriate City staff members or to obtain comments for stories on deadline. We'll do our best to provide background information, timely access to relevant city officials and additional sources should you need them. Although we understand and respect deadline-driven inquiries, please provide as much lead time as possible for the best results.
Photography Requests
With sufficient notice, we can often provide high-resolution photographs of City landmarks, officials and events for use in print and online publications when original photography is not an option. Please send your request to Brianne Elizarrey; if we have relevant artwork, we will be happy to oblige.
Quick facts
For a snapshot of the Hayward community and business profile, check out Hayward by the Numbers. If you're more of a visual person, spend some time digging into our data-rich maps.