Strengthen Organizational Health

FY2024-FY2025+ Strategic Roadmap Subcategory
  • Strengthen fiscal sustainability
  • Streamline customer service & access
  • Strengthen retention & recruitment

View a PDF Copy of the Project List How to read the project list

Strengthen Organizational Health

Strengthen Organizational Health

Racial Equity Focus ProjectRacial Equity Focus ProjectEducation Focus ProjectEducation Focus Project





Strengthen Fiscal Sustainability and Transparency

R!Hold a work session with the Council to provide an overview of the updated General Fund Long Range Financial model  FN
R2Expand financial transparency and data sharing through platforms like OpenGov  FN
R3Prioritize Hayward's involvement in the creation of a Public Bank  FN

Strengthen and Streamline Customer Service and Access

R4Conduct a language access assessment ✦  CM
R5Conduct a post-COVID assessment of on-line and in-person customer service needs, including Access Hayward  CM
R6Assess hybrid meeting model for Boad and Commissions and explore options to add additional meeting locations with hybrid capacity  CM, IT
R7DEvelopment system and having more informational updates outline  CM

Strengthen Employee Engagement, Professional Development, and Retention

R8Develop talent acquisition plan for citywide and critical positions ✦  HR
R9Audit existing policies and HR processes fir compliance including areas for revision and general enhancement  HR
R10Develop a citywide compensation philosophy with internal benchmarks in alignment with the comparator marketplace  HR
R11Implement 360 evaluations for all department heads and simultaneously implement executive coaching  HR, CM

Invest in a Safe Work Environment

R12Conduct a workplace safety assessment for all workplace locations and implement phased improvements  HR, PD, FR, MS
R13DEvelop the Police Department's Wellness program  PD

Optimize Access to Workforce Technology

R14Ensure up to date technologies and processes including the City's procurement system by optimizing ERP solution through use of different modules  FN, IT
R15Implement an IT Governance workgroup to ensure business alignment with technology solutions  IT

How to read the project list:


Racial Equity Lens

We strive to build a culture of equity to ensure that we are meeting the needs of all residents. 

The City is committed to providing equitable services that improve the lives of all residents and take into consideration past inequities and injustices. We know achieving this vision requires tackling tough issues like institutional racism and implicit bias. We also know it takes continuous listening, learning, and improvement.

star icon

Throughout this plan, we have identified projects with theis icon that have a racial equity focus or services/projects that we are reviewing through a racial equity lens. 


Questions we ask when we apply a racial equity lens to a service or project

  • What problem is this service/project seeking to address? 
  • Who benefits from this service/project? Are some community members impacted by the problem more than others? Do we have demographic information about this group(s)? 
  • Who does this service/project not benefit? Do we have demographic information about this group(s)? 
  • Who is currently accessing this service? 
  • Who is not accessing this service? Do we know why? Are there barriers that makes it more difficult for some community members to use or access this service? 
  • How are we communicating about this service/project? What barriers are there for people to find up-to-date information? 
  • What racial, cultural, and/or ethnic groups experience disparities related to this program? How does this program benefit them or further exacerbate their disparities? 

Education City Lens:

We strive to build a city where all residents have access to quality educational opportunities and cradle-to-career support so they can achieve their life goals. 

The City is committed to working alongside our educational and community partners to support the academic success and future employment of Hayward’s students. The City does this by actively participating in collaborations like the Hayward Promise Neighborhoods, growing the economy, facilitating pathways for both private and public sector careers, partnering to provide education and employment services, and communicating about educational opportunities and successes. 

book icon

Throughout this plan, we have identified projects with this icon that have an "Education City" focus or services/projects that we are reviewing through an "Education City" Lens.

Questions we ask when we apply an ‘Education City’ lens to a service or project

  • Have we communicated with our educational and community partners to align service offerings and create a more seamless service experience for Hayward families? 
  • How will this service, project, or policy support or expand educational and/or economic opportunities for people in Hayward? How are we collaborating with partners to facilitate and develop educational and/or employment pathways accessible to all Hayward youth and residents? 
  • How are we communicating education and economic opportunities in and around Hayward to Hayward families? What barriers do we need to remove for people to access this information or educational opportunities? 
  • How will we know this service, project, or policy is improving educational and/or economic opportunities for Hayward youth and residents? 
  • Transportation specific: Does this project make it easier for families and students to get to their campuses and other educational resources? 


Creating the Roadmap Projects 

The initial project list for this Roadmap was created by surveying each City Council Member and key staff whose work tasks closely align with the six Strategic Priorities. Council then prioritized the projects through a dot voting exercise. The following pages detail the projects by priority area. Below is a key to the organization of information. 

Key to the organization of information

Departments legend


City Manager

ITInformation Technology


Development ServicesMSMaintenance Services








Human Resources

PWPublic Works