Downtown Specific Plan Task Force (dissolved)

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The Downtown Specific Plan Task Force duties concluded upon formal adoption by the City Council of the Downtown Specific Plan and Code on April 30, 2019.

The Downtown Specific Plan Task Force previously acted as a public voice representing a range of community interests. They provided guidance to the planning team at key points in the process that has since concluded. Their recommendations were advisory since the Task Force was not a decision-making body. The Task Force provided diverse and valuable input to the consultant team who drafted the Specific Plan and Code for the City.

The Task Force met on an as needed basis. For further information regarding the Downtown Specific Plan Task Force or the project itself, please contact Damon Golubics at or (510) 583-4210. Meeting agendas can be reviewed here

Downtown Specific Plan Project

To find more documents related to the Downtown Specific Plan Project, including all final project document, visit the Project webpage.  

Below you will find other important information.

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