Tenant Relocation Assistance
Hayward City Council voted on December 17, 2024, to adopt a new Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance, which takes effect January 17, 2025. Read the new Ordinance here. Landlords are required to notify tenants about the new law by February 17th. Forms to assist with notifying the tenants about the new law will be available by February 1, 2025.
The Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance (TRAO) Includes
Permanent Relocation Assistance: Consistent with the state's Tenant Protection Act enacted state-wide in January 2020, permanent relocation assistance is required for certain units if tenants are displaced through no-fault just cause terminations. Permanent Relocation Assistance payments are to take the form of either one month's rent or the waiver of last month's rent. See the summary document linked in the Important Documents section of this page for more information about what units are exempt from this provision.
Temporary Relocation Assistance: Required for all units if a tenant is temporarily displaced for significant repairs related to code compliance, major remodel, or damaging natural events which have not been caused by the tenant or a guest of the tenant. See the summary document linked in the Important Documents section of this page for more information about what units are exempt from this provision.
New Noticing Requirements
Under the amended Ordinance, landlords are required to:
- Notify current tenants of their rights under the Relocation Assistance Ordinance within 30 days of the effective date (see Important Forms & Documents below for resources)
- Notify all future tenants of the Relocation Assistance Ordinance prior to entering a new tenancy (see Important Forms & Documents below for resources)
Landlords have until February 17, 2025, to comply with these requirements.
Important Forms & Documents
The Rent Review Office is in the process of developing resources to assist landlords in meeting these requirements. Please check this page frequently, as staff will continue to update this page with more resources related to the Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance.
Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance Summary: Landlords must include this summary or a copy of the Ordinance when they notice tenants of the new Ordinance.
- English
- Forms in Spanish and Chinese are coming soon.
Tenant Relocation Assistance Regulations: The Regulations provide guidance and standards for implementing the TRAO.
- English
- Forms in Spanish and Chinese are coming soon.
Tenant Relocation Assistance Noticing Form: Landlords can use this form to notify tenants of the new Ordinance and their right to relocation payments.
- English
- Forms in Spanish and Chinese are coming soon.
Permanent Relocation Form: Landlords can use this form along with notice of termination to notify tenants of their right to payment.
- Forms in English, Spanish and Chinese are coming soon.
Temporary Relocation Form: Landlords must fill out this form when tenants need to vacate the unit due to substantial repairs.
- Forms in English, Spanish and Chinese are coming soon.