Gading Road Complete Streets

Gading Road

Project Overview: The Gading Road Complete Streets Project spans approximately 0.5 miles on Gading Road between Patrick Avenue and West Harder Road. Gading Road is a five-lane, local collector street with a posted speed limit of 25 MPH. The area serves residential, religious institutions, and Glassbrook Elementary School. 

Upcoming Meeting:

Community Meeting
Multi-Purpose Room at Glassbrook Elementary School (975 Schafer Rd)

Questions? Contact:

For additional information, questrions, or concerns, please contact: Public Works Department at (510) 583-4730 or

Phase II - Gading Road

Gading Road is the 2nd phase of the Complete Streets Project, which spans along Gading Road and Patrick Avenue between Harder Road and Tennyson Road. Phase 1 of the Complete Street Project, located on Patrick Avenue between Tennyson Road and Gading Road, was approved by Council on October 12, 2021 and successfully constructed during the Fall of 2021. The improvements included a road diet transforming the existing roadway into a three-lane roadway to enhance traffic calming measures. Phase 2 on Gading Road will consist of similar improvements implemented during Phase 1 to ensure a seamless consistency across the entire corridor. Once completed, the project will provide additional safety, better access, and mobility benefits for all modes of traffic.

Current Phase Documents:

August 28, 2024 - Council Infrastructure & Airport Committee

April 8, 2024 - Community Meeting

Phase I — Patrick Avenue

The Patrick Avenue Safety Improvements installed buffered bike lanes and traffic calming on Patrick Avenue between Tennyson Rd. and Schafer Rd. 

Oct. 28, 2021, Construction Update: The Hayward Transportation Division will begin construction on the design approved by City Council. Please expect delays and plan accordingly. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter. 

Redesign Concept:

Patrick Avenue Historical Documents:

Oct. 12, 2021 — City Council

Patrick Avenue Safety Project: Adopt a Resolution Approving Proposed Changes to the Patrick Ave Safety Improvement Project

July 28, 2021 — Council Infrastructure & Airport Committee (formally Council Infrastructure Committee)

Recommend Council Approval of Proposed Changes to Patrick Ave Safety Improvement Project

Feb. 22, 2021 — Community Meeting

The Hayward Transportation Division held an online public meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 22, to introduce and receive feedback on the planned completion of bicycle and pedestrian roadway improvements along Patrick Avenue in South Hayward. 

Jan. 26, 2021 — City Council

Adopted a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Accept a $75,000 Grant for Patrick Avenue Improvements Phase 2 and Execute a Funding Agreement with the Alameda County Transportation Commission from the COVID-19 Rapid Response Bicycle/Pedestrian Grant Program

Oct. 6, 2020 — City Council

Huntwood and Patrick Avenues Complete Streets: Adopted a Resolution Approving Complete Streets Improvements