Russell City Document Center

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The articles in this section were curated by the research team at the University of San Francisco. Subsequently, City staff utilized Artificial Intelligence tools to transcribe and summarize these articles. Original articles are available for download on each page. If you encounter any discrepancies in the summaries or transcriptions, please reach out to our Digital Applications Developer at:

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Daily Review, Sept. 09, 1949


Over 100 signatures from Russell City residents were collected in a short time on a petition requesting county funds for a supply of clean water for domestic use and consumption. The community faces a water shortage, and residents are seeking assistance. The county had previously declined an offer from Hayward to share the cost of providing Hetch-Hetchy water to Russell City. Due to inadequate sewage disposal, residents currently rely on impure well water. There are plans to construct a six-inch water main to the Hayward municipal airport,...

Daily Review, Sept. 17, 1949


Includes two letters: 

The first letter expresses concern about the water problem in Russell City and addresses the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, particularly Mr. Harry Bartell. It acknowledges that the board may have legal limitations regarding the water issue but emphasizes the broader health implications for the entire Southern Alameda County region.

It suggests that the board consider forming a water district, initiating a bond issue, and even providing a loan if necessary to ensure the community's access to clean...

Daily Review, Sept. 21, 1949


The Alameda County Board of Supervisors is in talks with Hayward city officials to install water lines in Russell City, thanks to community efforts. Legal authority is being debated, but legal counsel suggests the supervisors can use their powers for assistance. This situation is unique, and aiding Russell City won't set a troublesome precedent for other areas in the county.

Daily Review, Jan. 17, 1950


A heavy rainstorm in the Hayward area brought 2.21 inches of rain in 24 hours, leading to floods, gas furnace explosions, and broken dikes. The Tennyson fire department issued a warning about gas furnaces near ground level. Two homes in Tennyson were saved from explosions caused by water extinguishing furnaces and igniting gas fumes. Dikes along the San Lorenzo creek broke, causing flooding in farming areas and Tennyson. Russell City was severely affected, with water depths of up to three to four feet in some areas, even flooding homes....

Daily Review, May 09, 1950


As budget season nears, a reminder to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors about their promise last fall to address the Russell City water problem. The commitment was to extend the 12-inch water line to Russell City once the City of Hayward completed its part. Urging the supervisors to allocate funds for the extension in the upcoming budget and announce the financing plan soon, as this issue is crucial for community health in Southern Alameda County.

Daily Review, Jul. 11, 1950


The Eden Council for Civic Unity plans to seek clarification from the Hayward City Council about Russell City. They have three key questions regarding water line completion, building permits, and the reasons behind permit refusals. The council is also investigating a low-rent project for Russell City and aims to secure case history from the Public Housing authority. They received a letter from the State Federation for Civic Unity regarding endorsement for the Fair Employment Practice Commission, which they plan to pursue. Members want more...

Daily Review, Aug. 08, 1950


Frustration with Harry Bartell, chief of the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, for making statements that seem unclear on issues affecting Hayward. Editorial highlights a recent statement by Bartell regarding the Russell City water situation, where he mentioned the need to be in a "better frame of mind."

The author suggests that Bartell might have meant that discussions should be held privately, similar to past talks between the city and county. However, the concern is that private discussions may lead to avoiding the issue rather...

Daily Review, Aug. 23, 1950


A second Russell City resident, Mrs. Ruth Manwarren, has joined the effort led by Mrs. J. G. Gonzalves to secure water for the water-deprived community. Mrs. Manwarren sent a personal letter to Governor Earl Warren, enclosing local newspaper clippings and appealing for his intervention with the county to address the water crisis.

In her letter, Mrs. Manwarren highlighted the critical nature of the situation, with 50% of Russell City's wells dry or near depletion in approximately 350 homes. She questioned the delay caused by the Alameda...

Daily Review, Aug. 25, 1950


Chairman Harry Bartell of the Alameda County Board of Supervisors has cited Supervisor George Janssen for the board's failure to respond to the Eden Council for Civic Unity's queries about the Russell City water situation. Bartell claimed that he had referred the inquiry letter, dated June 24 and containing three questions, to Janssen, but no record of it was found. The questions pertained to building permits in Russell City, reasons for permit refusals, and the completion date of the new water main. The letter had initially sparked a...

Daily Review, Aug. 26, 1950


The Russell City water problem resembles a game of "Button, Button, Who Has the Button?" The City of Hayward believes it fulfilled its responsibility by installing a 12-inch water line to the Air National Guard area at the Hayward airport. The County of Alameda claims it lacks the legal means to install and maintain a water line to Russell City, suggesting that it must be done via an assessment district. The State of California also lacks authority to address the issue.

Chairman Bartell of the Alameda County Board of Supervisors...