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Editorial: Kids' Game

Daily Review, Aug. 26, 1950

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Remember the game we used to play when we were kids—that old thing about "Button, Button, Who Has the Button?"

The Russell City water problem is rapidly descending to that stage, with everybody hoping that somebody else is "it."

The City of Hayward claims—and we think rightly so—that it discharged its responsibility when it installed a 12 inch water line to the Air National Guard area at the Hayward airport.

The County of Alameda claims there is no legal means at its command whereby the couiity can install and maintain a water line to Russell City. The county asserts the water line must be installed via assessment district or not at all, and the assessed valuation of Russell City property will not pay for the Installation. Certainly there is some justification for the latter part of that assertion.

The State of California says there is no authority whereby it can install and maintain a domestic water system in Russell City:

The latest game of "Button, Button, you're it!" came yesterday, when Chairman Bartell of the Alameda county board of supervisors attempted to pass the buck to Supervisor George Janssen for the county's failure to reply to a letter of inquiry on the status of plans to improve the situation in Russell City from the Eden Council of Civic Unity.

Two months ago, at a meeting of the county board of supervisors, in the presence of representatives of the press, Bartell himself promised to answer that letter. But since that time, Bartell and Janssen have locked horns on other political issues—i. e. the county budget and the county tax rate.

While the city, county and state play "Button, Button" the woes of Russell City increase. This week, a hog ranch that San Lorenzo and Warm Springs don't want was granted county permission to locate on the marginal lands of Russell City.

While governmental agencies play kid's games, Russell Citians cry for water.

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