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Crusader For Water Gets Help

Daily Review, Aug. 23, 1950

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A second Russell City woman joined Mrs. J. G. Gonzalves, leading crusader for water for water-famine stricken Russell Citians today, as Mrs. Ruth Manwarren made a second plea to Governor Earl Warren for help in the emergency.

Enclosing clippings from the local newspapers, Mrs. Manwarren addressed a personal letter to Governor Warren asking him to intercede with the county to bring water to Russell City.

The text of Mrs. Monwarren's letter to the governor follows:

"On Sept. 14 of last year, I appealed to you for help on behalf of Russell City's water problem.

"Today, we are still being tossed around by the Alameda county board of supervisors like a bunch of cattle. Our water problem today has become critical. It's at the point where it becomes an emergency, not just a mere problem.

"Fifty per cent of the wells in Russell City are either completely dry or at the mud stage in about 350 homes.

"So, why, as you can read in the enclosed clippings from the local newspapers, do we have to wait for the board of supervisors to be in a "better frame of mind? What do they mean by that? Would any man tell his cattle "Wait till I'm in a better frame of mind before I give you a drink of water?—let alone his family.

"After all, we are human beings, not cattle, and we have been very patient for a year.

"Has the Alameda county board of supervisors forgotten that line in the Gettysburg address by Abe Lincoln that goes something like this, "the government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from this earth—or doesn't that include us?

"Hoping for an early reply, I remain sincerely,

"Mrs. Ruth Manwarren, 6031 Sixth avenue, Russell City."

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