City Center Tower Deconstruction Project

A photo of the City Center Tower from below

City Center Tower, the former home of Hayward City Hall, is set to come down piece by piece starting in March 2020, eliminating a source of downtown blight and making way for future redevelopment and other publicly beneficial uses of the property.

The City Council voted unanimously on Dec. 3, 2019, to authorize a $3.9 million demolition contract for the deconstruction of the City Center building—a nine-month process that begins with project mobilization and hazardous material removal in January and February, followed by five months of pulling down the structure, plus about a month of final site preparation and cleanup.

Project Scope:

  • Abatement of asbestos-containing material
  • Abatement of lead paint and PCB
  • Removal of the building structure and associated foundations
  • Backfilling the site and installing permanent security fencing.

The remaining asbestos, lead, and PCB will be removed prior to demolition under strict controls. The abatement or removal will be performed by specialized contractors, using a containment or enclosure that prevents the debris or contamination from being released. Final inspection and testing by independent inspectors will verify all work is done to EPA and Cal / OSHA standards.


The deconstruction project is scheduled to begin January 2020 and will last approximately 9 months. The Contractor, Silverado Contractors, Inc., will notify community members approximately one week prior to the start of the building deconstruction work.

* Construction hours will start at 7:00 AM and are tentatively scheduled to end at 4:30 PM, Monday - Friday. 

For additional information, questions or concerns, please contact: Project Manager, Sammy Lo at (510) 583-4768 or

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Why did the building sit empty for 30 years? 

The private owners who purchased the seismically unsafe City Center building more than 20 years ago never invested in demolition, rehabilitation or development, so the property sat vacant.  It wasn’t until June 2019 when the City re-acquired the building that the opportunity arose to demolish the structure.

What is going to happen to the parking structure adjacent to the building?

Now that the City owns the City Center building, along with the parking structure and other adjacent property, it will solicit interest from highly qualified developers to invest and develop the site consistent with the Hayward Downtown Specific Plan. Future uses that diverge from the Specific Plan would require additional City approvals.  That future developer will decide if it makes sense to maintain the parking structure or tear it down.  In the meantime, it will remain in its current condition.  Here is a link to a map of Downtown Specific Plan land-use designations.

What is meant by publicly beneficial?

Publicly beneficial means serving the interests, needs and objectives of the City of Hayward, its residents and other local stakeholders.  As the City plans for the site’s redevelopment, the City Council, in public work sessions and hearings, will provide direction on what types of uses and amenities it envisions at the property.  Examples of publicly beneficial uses could include housing affordable to a range of incomes, senior housing, local services, uses that generate tax revenue for public safety and other municipal services, temporary and permanent jobs, public plazas, walkways and public art.

Why is the City paying for the demo?

The City is paying for the deconstruction of the building because it now owns the property and to remove a seismically unsafe and severely blighted building in its downtown.  Funds from the eventual resale of the property to a new private developer will repay the City for the cost of buying back and demolishing the building.

Does the City have an actual development plan in place for after demolition or will it be another empty lot?

Now that the City owns the City Center building, along with two adjacent properties, the City will solicit interest from highly qualified developers next year (in 2020) to invest and develop all three properties consistent with the Downtown Specific Plan.  Future uses that diverge from the Specific Plan would require additional City approvals.  The City’s goal is to see the site revitalized with a new attractive development as soon as possible.  Here is a link to a map of Downtown Specific Plan land-use designations.

Project Documents:

Dec. 3, 2019 City Council Meeting

Adopt Resolutions Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Silverado Contractors, Inc. in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $3,901,150, for the Deconstruction of the City Center Building and Appropriate Funds

June 4, 2019 City Council Meeting

Approval of Actions Necessary for the City of Hayward to Enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement with 37 Hayward, LLC for Purchase of the City Center Tower Property Located at 22300 Foothill Boulevard for a Purchase Price of $5,200,000 and Up to an Additional $100,000 in Associated Costs