Water Line Improvements Project

The City’s current Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes funding to replace the City’s water mains to improve supply reliability and fire flow through annual water line replacement projects. The City has approximately 375 miles of water distribution pipeline, of which approximately 67% consists of asbestos cement pipe and a majority of the existing pipelines are 6 inches in diameter.

Project Summary:

This project will improve water supply reliability by replacing approximately 26,600 linear feet of existing cast iron, ductile iron (DIP), and asbestos cement (ACP) pipes ranging from 4 to 12-inch with new 6, 8, or 12-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC), ductile iron (DIP), or earthquake resistant ductile iron (ERDIP) pipes at fourteen locations throughout the City.


Staff selected the water line locations for a variety of reasons including being undersized, having exceeded service life, frequency of breaks, and/or upgrades needed for supply reliability and fire flow improvements.

Construction Hours:

The water main replacement is tentatively scheduled to start on Monday, March 28, 2022 and be completed in June 2024. The contractor’s normal work hours will be weekdays from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM.

Approximately one week prior to the start of activity, the contractor will issue another notification to affected residents and businesses adjacent to the project location. When necessary for construction operations, temporary “No Parking” signs will be posted at least 72-hours prior to enforcement and remain posted until the work is completed. A portion of the roadway will be restricted during construction; flaggers will be provided to direct traffic if necessary.

Access to all properties will be maintained throughout construction. Service reconnections, which will cause temporary disruption of water service line, will normally occur between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM. Typically the water service disruption will not extend beyond 2 hours. Notices will be provided at least 72 hours and again 24 hours prior to disruption of any services.

Questions? Contact: Sammy Lo, Project Manager at (510) 583-4768 or by email at sammy.lo@hayward-ca.gov, or Jason Whipple, the City’s Supervising Construction Inspector at (510) 583-4755 or by email at jason.whipple@hayward-ca.gov.


Mar. 1, 2022 Letter to Residents

Feb. 15, 2022 City Council Meeting

Adopt a Resolution Approving Addendum No. 1, Awarding a Contract to Ranger Pipelines, Inc., for the Water Line Improvements Project, Project No. 07093, in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $12,488,057, and Appropriating Additional Funds in an Amount of $3,734,000