Mission Boulevard Corridor Improvement Project
The City of Hayward is making major improvements to Mission Boulevard as part of the three-phase Mission Boulevard Corridor Improvement Project.
Phase 1 of the Project, which included improvements on Mission Boulevard from A Street to Industrial Parkway, as well as on Foothill Boulevard from Mission Boulevard to Apple Avenue, and on A Street from Mission Boulevard to Foothill Boulevard, was completed in January 2014. Construction of Phase 2, which included improvements on Mission Boulevard from Industrial Parkway to the southern City limit at Blanche Street, was completed in September 2020. Phase 3 of the project, from A Street to the northern City limit at Rose Street, is the last phase of the three-phase project to be constructed. Construction of Phase 3 started in June 2023.
Project Map:
Phase 3 Updates:
Construction started in June 2023 on the third and final phase of the Mission Boulevard Corridor Improvement Project following the award of a contract for the work to DeSilva Gates Construction.
Phase 3 Mission Boulevard improvements will take place from A Street to the north City limit near Rose Street, and will generally consist of:
- Under-grounding of existing overhead utility lines
Reconstruction of existing sidewalks, and curbs and gutters
Adjustment of existing driveways to conform to the new sidewalks
Installation of new bike lanes -- specifically, cycle track between the parking lane and the sidewalk
Planting of new street trees in between the curb and the cycle track
- Modification and installation of new storm drain inlets to improve drainage
- Rehabilitation of existing pavement using Cold In-place Recycling (CIR) and a new pavement overlay
- Upgrade of intersections to comply with the latest Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility standards
- Upgrade of existing traffic signal at Sunset Boulevard and improvement of signal timing by adapting to traffic conditions in real time
- Installation of new signage and relocation of bus stops
- Installation of conduits for future fiber optic lines
- Installation of new LED and dimmable street lighting
- Installation of bulb outs and flashing beacons at crosswalks
- Installation of new gateway entry features at Rose Street
Project Rendering:

Questions? Contact:
May 1, 2023 - Letter to Community
Mission Boulevard Corridor Improvements Phase 3 Project – Start of Construction
April 25, 2023 - City Council Meeting
Adopt Resolutions: (1) Approving Addenda Nos. 1, 2, and 3 and Awarding a Contract to DeSilva Gates Construction for the Mission Boulevard Corridor Improvements Phase 3 Project, Project No. 05287 in the Amount of $15,742,743, and (2) Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 4 to the Professional Services Agreement with Mark Thomas & Company to Increase their Contract Amount by $107,000, for a Total Not-to-Exceed Amount of $1,626,180
Feb. 07, 2023 - City Council Meeting
Adopt Resolutions (1) Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Amendment to the Project Funding Agreement with Alameda County Transportation Commission and Accept and Appropriate an Additional $1,662,000 and (2) Approving Plans and Specifications and Call for Bids for the Re-Bid of the Mission Boulevard Corridor Improvements Phase 3 Project, No. 05287
June 01, 2021 - City Council Meeting
Adopt a Resolution Rejecting All Bids, Approving Revision of Plans and Specifications, and Calling for Bids for the Mission Boulevard Corridor Improvements Phase 3 Project, Project No. 05287