
Battery disposal services now available at Hayward public libraries

March 28, 2023

As of February 2023, Hayward residents may now dispose of their old batteries at a Hayward public library location. The new battery receptacles at the Hayward libraries are just one of several options customers have for safely disposing of their old batteries, which are considered hazardous waste and should never go in trash, recycling, or composting bins.

Additional options for safely disposing of old batteries include:

  • (NEW) Battery drop-off receptacles at the Hayward Public Libraries (Receptacles have been placed near the help desks on each floor on the Main Library, located at 888 C Street, and near the front help desk at Weekes Library, located at 27300 Patrick Avenue.)
  • Drop off at the Hayward Household Hazardous Waste Facility
  • Place batteries in a clear plastic bag and place it on top of your Tri-CED recycling cart on collection day
  • For more options, look up “batteries” using StopWaste’s re:source tool

All types of batteries are hazardous and should never go in trash, recycling, or composting bins, as they can spark fires in collection trucks and leak toxic materials into the earth and groundwater if they wind up in the landfill. Properly disposing of these materials is critical to ensuring the safety of collection workers, equipment, and the environment. For further information about battery disposal best practices, contact