Tennyson Corridor Strategic Initiative
In November 2016, the City Council held a Council priority setting retreat where they identified three strategic initiatives for the next two years: Complete Streets, Complete Communities, and Tennyson Corridor. On June 20, 2017, the City Council adopted two-year action plans for each initiative. Full plans and staff report for the Tennyson Corridor Strategic Initiative are available for public viewing.
On April 11, 2017, the City Council provided comments regarding the Tennyson Corridor Strategic Initiative. Councilmembers expressed a desire to create a Vision Plan for the Corridor, which will be staff's primary focus over the next two years. The overarching themes of Councilmember comments were pedestrian and cyclist safety, community appearance, and placemaking. In addition, several Councilmembers discussed resident services and the need to closely collaborate with Tennyson’s numerous non-profit and religious organizations.
Below is an overview of the Tennyson two-year action plan. The full version of the plan is also available. Status updates will be routinely presented to the Council on a biannual basis and to the City Management Team on a quarterly basis.
Goal 1: Create a community vision for the Corridor
- Objective 1: Work to understand community needs and desires for the Corridor
- Objective 2: Identify funding options for future Tennyson Corridor planning, improvements, and infrastructure
- Objective 3: Lead the development and construction of a new South Hayward Family Center in coordination with community stakeholders
a. Percent of residents and businesses reached in door-to-door outreach
b. Attendance at in-person community visioning sessions
c. Response rates for electronic/mailer outreach (e.g., surveys)
d. Demographics of participants in comparison to demographics of Tennyson Corridor
Goal 2: Increase pedestrian and bicyclist safety
- Objective 1: Enhance protected bike and pedestrian ways
- Objective 2: Increase bicycle safety education
- Objective 3: Collaborate with community members to improve public safety
- Objective 4: Improve safety through increased lighting
a. Percent of community members who report that they feel safe walking and/or biking along Tennyson
b. Change in number of accidents involving pedestrians or cyclists
c. Number of neighborhood alert groups
d. Business participation in pilot projects, such as lighting incentives
e. Usage of infrastructure improvements such as: pop-up bike lane, adopt-a-crosswalk, and temporary bike racks
Goal 3: Improve community appearance
- Objective 1: Enhance landscaping
- Objective 2: Decrease dumping and litter
- Objective 3: Decrease blight
a. Business participation in pilot projects, such as landscape instillations
b. Number of trees planted
c. Number of public trashcans
d. Percent of community members who report that the appearance of the Tennyson Corridor has improved from two years prior
Goal 4: Foster a cohesive sense of place
- Objective 1: Identify possible locations and a cohesive theme for public art along the corridor
- Objective 2: Increase City sponsored events and projects in the Tennyson Community
- Objective 3: Explore using branding and signage to identify the corridor
- Objective 4: Explore innovative placemaking opportunities along the corridor
a. Number of public art features
b. Percent of community members who report that the Tennyson Corridor is headed in the right direction
c. Percent of community members who report that they feel the City is paying attention to their neighborhood
Goal 5: Increase community resiliency
- Objective 1: Increase awareness of and access to City Services
- Objective 2: Increase the number of residents with medical and dental access
- Objective 3: Increase resident emergency preparedness
- Objective 4: Increase access to effective public transit
- Objective 5: Facilitate economic development and growth opportunities within the Corridor
- Objective 6: Reduce resident utility bills through increased efficiency
a. Change in demand for medical and dental services at Firehouse Clinic
b. Change in participation in CERT/NERT classes and programs
c. Percent reduction in time for Alameda County Transit buses to navigate Tennyson Corridor
d. Mobile City Hall interactions/problems resolved