Report issues on and/or near railroad tracks

The Union Pacific Railroad owns and maintains the railroad tracks and crossings throughout the City of Hayward. For information on how to report issues and incidents on and/or near tracks and crossings see below. 

Notify Union Pacific of non-emergency incidents

To report non-emergency issues enter the Union Pacific Response Management Communications Center Portal below. 

Non-emergency incidents include

  1. Blocked crossings
  2. Community/general safe crossing events
  3. Idling equipment
  4. Illegal dumping
  5. Rough crossings
  6. Transient/homeless encampments
  7. Vegetation issues

Union Pacific Response Management Communications Center Portal

Emergency Incidents

To report emergency incidents including life safety concerns, vehicles stopped on railroad tracks, hazardous material releases, criminal activity in progress, fires, and other incidents requiring emergency response, contact the Union Pacific Response Management Communications Center (RMCC) at 1-888-UPRRCOP (877-7267)