Epidemic Danger In Area Told

Daily Review, Aug. 30, 1950

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Governor Earl Warren will receive a third letter requesting aid in the Russell City water plight from E. S: Oie, 25160 Washington avenue, who dispatched his message Tuesday afternoon to the state capitol.

Oie's letter follows those of Mrs. J. G. Gonzalves, leader in the district's water crusade, and Mrs. Ruth Manwarren; whose Aug. 23 inquiry received the answer, "the governor therefore is referring your letter to the state department of health...you may be sure that you will hear from them."

The text of Oie's message follows:

"I am writing you in behalf of the residents of Russell City, Hayward. You are no doubt well aware of the sanitary and water conditions of our area. We are forced to buy our drinking water in bottles as our wells are very rapidly drying up, and are in danger of becoming contaminated from the overflow and seepage of cesspools.

"In the event conditions are not corrected, we are in dunger of diphtheria or typhoid epidemics.

"The county of Alameda has failed to take any action towards correcting these conditions. The people of this area feel you are the only one to whom they may look for help.

"Respectfully yours, E. S. OIE."

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