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Petition for Russell Water: 100 Sign Request for County Aid

Daily Review, Sept. 09, 1949

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More than 100 signatures of Russell City residents were accured in a few hours this morning on a petition asking that county funds be made, available to provide the Russell City community with "a supply of pure water for domestic use and human consumption."

Mrs. J. G. Gonsalves of 25043 Adams street was continuing the circulation of the petition among Russell City residents, who are faced with a water "famine in the lap of plenty" unless the county will come to their aid.

To date the county has rejected an offer from the city of Hayward to share with the county the expense of providing, Russell City residents with Hetch-Hetchy water.

Because of lack of proper sewage disposal, Russell City residents are forced to use impure water from wells into which surface water drains.

Immediately contemplated is the construction of a six-inch water main from the city's water distribution system down Winton avenue southwest into the Hayward municipal airport to furnish water to the California National Guard.

If money can be made available to pay the cost of installation of a 12-inch water main in place of the six-inch line, and for the purpose of extending that main from the National Guard installation to Russell City, a sufficient supply of water from Hayward's new source, Hetch-Hetchy, can be made available to Russell City.

The petitions ask that the county, board of supervisors make  county funds available for that project.

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