This fall we will be coming to you with virtual meetings.

Join us to learn about new initiatives, ask questions, and discuss neighborhood issues and trends. We will give brief updates on the following topics and then take your questions feedback.

Sign up to attend

Spanish translation services will be provided at all meetings. Translation for other languages is available upon request. Assistance will be provided to those requiring accommodations for disabilities in compliance with the Americans Disabilities Act of 1990.  Interested persons must request accommodation or translation at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting by contacting Zach Ebadi at (510) 583-3911 or

There will be six meetings focused on six sectors of Hayward (scroll down to the map). These sectors are the same ones that will be used for the Hayward People's Budget and are based on census tracts. Community members are welcome to attend any of the meetings, even if they do not live in that sector. Staff will cover similar content will at the start of each meeting, though the question-and-answer section is designed to be neighborhood specific.

This first meeting will be focused on the Central-Southern Neighborhoods. 

Learn more about the reinvisioned City Hall to You program, visit the program webpage

Information on how to sign-up to attend this meeting will be available in early September. 

Remote Participation
Via Zoom
Hayward , CA 94541
(510) 583-3911