Projects Under Environmental Review

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires a public review period for land development projects.

To view CEQA documents for projects in Hayward currently under environmental review or contact Planning Division Staff for additional information or to make a comment, please submit your inquiries to the staff person listed on the last page of each Mitigated Negative Declaration section located below. 

For more information about City Planning, visit the Planning Division page.

Project Title: City of Hayward Water Pollution Control Facility Improvements


Project Location: 3700 Enterprise Avenue, Hayward, CA 94545 (APNs 439-0099-002-02 and 439-0070-002-03)


Project Description: The Project consists of the following components that would be completed concurrently at the WPCF site:

  • Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) Administration Building 
  • Primary Effluent Equalization Facility
  • WPCF Preliminary and Secondary Treatment Facility Improvements.

The Project is intended to rehabilitate aging infrastructure, increase peak hydraulic capacity of the WPCF, comply with anticipated more stringent regulatory limitations on discharges of nutrients into San Francisco Bay, and to continue to protect the public health and environment through reliable, high quality, cost-effective wastewater treatment in the WPCF service area. The project includes demolition of the existing 6,600 sq. ft. administration building and construction of a new 21,800 sq. ft. building that will house new a new laboratory, offices and support functions. When site improvements including construction of the Primary Effluent Equalization Facility and Preliminary and Secondary Treatment Improvements are complete, the Project will have capacity to treat municipal wastewater flow and loading generated in the service area up to the projected year 2048. Space would be reserved on site for expanding capacity to treat increased flow and loading beyond 2048, but the infrastructure required for future expansion is not evaluated as part of this CEQA document. 


The Project assumes certain effluent discharge limitations with change in the future when the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) issues updated orders governing operation of the WPCF. Changes are expected to include a requirement to reduce discharges of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) compounds into San Francisco Bay. Therefore, a major element of the Project is a new biological nutrient removal (BNR) treatment process designed to remove TIN. A summary of the Project's new and improved facilities and treatment processes is included in Table 2-1 (Summary of Project Components) and detailed in Chapter 3, Project Description, in the Initial Study linked below.  


Public Comment Period: The public review and comment period for the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for this project will run for 20 days from Friday, July 26, 2024 through Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 5 p.m. Please send your comments to Kyle Carbert, Senior Utilities Engineer, Public Works & Utilities at or mail comments to Hayward City Hall, Attention: Kyle Carbert, Senior Utilities Engineer, City of Hayward Public Works & Utilities, 3700 Enterprise Avenue, Hayward, CA 94545.