Community Task force (dissolved)

Purpose of the Task force
Recent increased tension nationwide have created concerns locally for residents, elected officials and others about human rights, civil rights, and the safety of community members who face increased discrimination based on their political affiliation, economic status, place of origin, immigration status, religion, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation and other personal characteristics.
On January 17, 2017, City officials established a limited term Community Task Force to address these concerns. The task force is comprised of community members who represent our diverse Hayward community. The Community Task Force members will assist staff with reviewing, evaluating, and updating the 1992 Hayward Anti-Discrimination Action Plan (ADAP) and will also play a key leadership role in facilitating community conversations to gather insights and experiences from our community about human relations issues.
Resources for People Facing Discrimination Know Your Rights Webpage
- Download the Brochure (English/Spanish)
- Read the Task force Charter
We want to hear from you
Make sure your voice is heard by participating in one of the forums below. Your input will inform task force members as they formulate their recommendations for updating the ADAP.
Online Survey: Give us your comments and stories. The survey is anonymous, but please be aware that answers will be shared publicly. Take the survey in English ► Tomar la encuesta en español ► See the current survey responses ►
Social Media: Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram and let us know your ideas, thoughts and feelings using the hashtag: #ThisIsHayward
"We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race"
- Kofi Annan, seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations
When you are done, please summarize the results of your conversation in this survey. See all the summarized results from your fellow Taskforce Members. Thank you for all your work.
All Meetings are held in 2A at City Hall from 6:00 - 8:00 pm.
February 22, 2017 - Task Force Meeting #1
During this initial 2 hour meeting the Task Force, City Officials and Staff discussed the Task Force Charter and timeline, their community conversation strategy, and strategize for the ADAP review.
March 13, 2017 - Task Force Meeting #2
The second task force meeting focused on updates about the Community Conversations, presentations by Task Force sub-committees, and initial feedback about the ADAP revisions.
April 19, 2017 - Task Force Meeting #3
May 8, 2017 - Task Force Meeting #4
May 31, 2017 - Task Force Meeting #5
June 26, 2017 - Task Force Meeting #6
July 17, 2017 - Task Force Meeting #7
July 5, 2017 - Sanctuary City Sub-Committee Meeting
July 13, 2017 - Sanctuary City Sub-Committee Meeting
July 24, 2017 - Sanctuary City Sub-Committee Meeting
July 31, 2017 - Sanctuary City Sub-Committee Meeting
August 8, 2017 - Sanctuary City Sub-Committee Meeting
August 14, 2017 - Task Force Meeting #8
At this final meeting, the Community Task Force will review and formally approve its recommendations to the City Council regarding its update to the 1992 Anti-Discrimination Action Plan (ADAP).
The Community Task Force recommendations will be presented at City Council Work Session on September 26, 2017.
The public will have an opportunity to speak to the City Council about the proposed update to the ADAP at the Council Work Session. The City Council will consider adoption of the revised Plan at a subsequent City Council meeting that will be scheduled in fall of 2017.
The taskforce members below have volunteered to work on updating the sections of the Action Plan based on feedback received at the community conversations.
Section I: Introduction and Guiding Principles
Lead Task Force Members: Sheila Burks
Subcommittee Members: Kristal Brister, Myra Feiger, Dione Lien, Vivian Phung, Randy Wright
Section II Part A: Strategies for Addressing Illegal Forms of Discrimination
Lead Taskforce Members: Freddye Davis and Rosaura Mendoza
Subcommittee Members: Kari McAllister, Ruben Martinez, Vivian Phung, Raj Singh, Veronica Solorio
Section II Part B: Strategies for Addressing Accessibility Issues
Lead Task Force Members: Giancarlo Scalise and Vivian Phung
Subcommittee Members: Sheila Burks, Mohammed Khan, and Ria Lancaster
Section II Part C: Strategies for Addressing Discriminatory Values & Attitudes
Lead Task Force Members: Sheila Burks and Ruben Martinez
Subcommittee Members: Myra Feiger, Ria Lancaster, Dione Lien, Linda Moore, Giancarlo Scalise, Veronica Solorio
Section III: Evaluation Metrics to Measure Success
Lead Task Force Members: Kari McAllister and Giancarlo Scalise
Subcommittee Members: Dione Lien, Linda Moore, Galilea Rios, Veronica Solorio
New Section: Community and Police Relations
Lead Task Force Members: Frank Burton and Freddye Davis
Subcommittee Members: Sheila Burks, Mohammed Khan, Dione Lien, Arzo Mehdavi, Rosaura Mendoza, Veronica Solorio, Vivian Phung
New Section: Sanctuary City
Subcommittee Members: Sheila Burks, Frank Burton; Mohammed Khan, Rosaura Mendoza, Linda Moore, Galilea Rios, Raj Singh, Veronica Solorio, Corina Vasaure, Benjamin Leon Elenes, Julieta Martinez, and Zachariah Oquenda.