Applying for Citizenship & Citizenship Resources
Welcome to the Citizenship Resource Center at the Hayward Public Library. Check out the programs and classes we provide to help you prepare for the U. S. naturalization process.
Pathway to U.S. Citizenship
Thinking about becoming a U.S. citizen? We’re here to help! Explore a variety of free resources, including small-group tutoring, online workshops, mock interviews, and application clinics. Find books, study guides, and digital tools at the library and online to support your journey. Whether you’re just starting or preparing for your interview, we have the resources to guide you every step of the way.
Citizenship Preparation Programs
Online Citizenship Workshops: Our FREE eight-week virtual citizenship classes are designed to help adult immigrants successfully complete the U.S. naturalization process. Participants will develop English language skills, gain civics knowledge, and practice for the Naturalization Interview. Online Citizenship Workshops ⇒
Small Group Citizenship Tutoring Sessions: Prepare for your U.S. Naturalization Interview with free, small-group tutoring sessions at the Downtown Library. Small Group Citizenship Tutoring Sessions ⇒
Citizenship Mock Interview Sessions: Are you preparing to take the U.S citizenship test? Sign up for a FREE one-on-one mock citizenship interview session! Citizenship Mock Interview Sessions ⇒
Citizenship Application Clinic: In partnership with Immigrant Hope, Hayward Public Library hosts a FREE Citizenship Application Clinic at various times throughout the year. Get expert assistance with your N-400 application and free legal advice from experienced attorneys. Citizenship Application Clinic ⇒
Citizenship Resources at the Library
Citizenship Corner:
Located on the third floor of the Downtown library, our citizenship corner is a space dedicated to helping the community find information and resources related to immigration and citizenship.
- ESL Books, CDs, and videos for learning English
- Books, DVDs, and flashcards for the citizenship test
- USCIS Citizenship Toolkits for check out
- Other resources about immigration
Virtual Citizenship Corner:
If you can’t come to the library, check out these links below for more information on the naturalization process.
U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) Resources:
- Check if you are eligible to naturalize
- 100 civics questions YouTube playlist
- 10 steps to naturalization
- Information on the naturalization interview and test
- Apply for citizenship online
- 100 Civics questions in different languages
- Forms related to U.S. citizenship
Library Resources:
- ProCitizen: Prepare for the US Naturalization Test through practice tests, exercises, and activities.
- Pronunciator: Learn English and select from over 80 languages as your starting language. Conversational English classes are available.
- Cell-Ed: Practice Citizenship Tests & ESL and adult literacy
- Universal Class: Prepare you to take each section of the U.S. Citizenship Test
- Learning Express Library: Practice 100 civics questions
- Rosetta Stone: Practice English listening and speaking skills
Additional Resources:
- Citizenshipworks: provides free step-by-step guidance to Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs or green card holders) who are applying for citizenship
- USA LEARNS: helps adults learn English online and prepare to become a U.S. citizen.
- Preparing for the Oath: an easy-to-use study guide for the civics portion of the 2008 U.S. Naturalization Test
- U.S. Citizenship Podcast: brings you practice interviews, quizzes, resources, and the latest news that help you get ready for your US Citizenship Interview.
- ESSA Citizenship Online Class