Remove a tree
Protected trees are:
- all required trees on any developed property
- memorial trees;
- trees planted as "replacement trees" as part of a development or tree removal project;
- trees eight inches in diameter or greater than 54 inches above the ground; or
- certain native species that are four inches in diameter or greater.
Permission from the City is required before:
- pruning branches over one inch in diameter; or
- relocating, removing or replacing any tree shown in an approved landscape plan.
To get a removal or pruning permit:
- If removal or pruning is related to aconstruction or building project, all trees (labeled as to species, size, and health, and whether they are to be removed or preserved) are to beshown on the site and grading plans, and the permit will be issued as part of the building or grading permit;
- Ifthe work is not related to aconstruction or building project, the removal or pruning of a protected tree requires a separate permit;
- Whether the work will be done by theproperty owner, occupant, orprivate tree care company, a request (reason for removal/pruning, replacement tree plan, method for pruning the tree) is to bemade by phone, fax or in writing to Planning Division;
- An arborist reportwill berequired if more than three trees are involved;
- Staff will make an inspection and adecision whether to issue the permit;
- The staff decision may be appealed to the Planning Director within 10 days of the decision.
For more information, please call Planning at 510.583.4200.