Community, Events, News Release

Hayward cuts ribbon June 12 on two new B Street vinyl record shops

June 8, 2021


A new epicenter for vinyl record enthusiasts and rediscovery is forming with the opening of not one but two new record shops in the 900 block of B Street in downtown Hayward.

Just in time for the official reawakening of California from its COVID-19 slumber, The Stacks Record Shop has opened its doors at 965 B Street and Ska Dog Records has done the same across the way at 946 B.

Both will be supported by an official ribbon-cutting and festivities organized and supported by the City of Hayward Economic Development Division starting at 11 a.m. Saturday, June 12, the first of two national Record Store Days in 2021.

Turn out to support vinyl LP shop owners and Hayward residents Gabriel De La Cruz of The Stacks and Chris Hill of Ska Dog, who will be celebrating the day with guest DJs and new discs dropped by record labels.

De La Cruz’s The Stacks concentrates on funk, soul, hip-hop, jazz and rock, while Ska Dog’s focus is reggae, ska, punk and alternative backed by jazz and classic rock.  To get a glimpse, check out the video visit by City of Hayward videographer Bolthar Garcia here on the City’s YouTube channel.