Halliday, Wahab, Lamnin, Measures H &T election winners
Hayward voters reelected Mayor Barbara Halliday and Councilmember Sara Lamin, elected new Councilmember Aisha Wahab, and passed revenue measures for city services and Hayward public schools.
Halliday won reelection with 56 percent of the vote. Wahab and Lamnin were first and second in a field of seven candidates for two City Council seats with 27 percent and 26 percent, respectively.
The Measure H bond for facility improvements at Hayward Unified School District passed with 73 percent.
Measure T, an increase in the city Real Property Transfer Tax, passed with 59 percent, despite approximately $200,000 in spending by the National Association of Realtors on an advertising campaign to defeat the measure.
Revenue from the Transfer Tax, which is collected once upon the sale of a piece of commercial or residential real estate, goes to support the city’s General Fund for public safety, fire protection, emergency medical response, libraries, pothole repair and other essential municipal services.