Complete Streets Strategic Initiative
In November 2016, the City Council held a Council priority setting retreat where they identified three strategic initiatives for the next two years: Complete Streets, Complete Communities, and Tennyson Corridor. On June 20, 2017, the City Council adopted two-year action plans for each initiative. The full plans and staff report can be viewed here.
The overarching purpose of this Complete Streets Strategic Initiative Two-Year Action Plan is to build and maintain streets that are safe, comfortable, and convenient for travel for everyone, regardless of age or ability; including motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, and public transportation riders.
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Below is an overview of the Complete Streets Two-Year Action Plan. Status updates will be presented to the Council on a biannual basis and to the City Management Team on a quarterly basis.
Image taken from
GOAL 1: Prioritize safety for all modes of travel.
- Objective 1.a: Reduce the number of fatal and non-fatal traffic accidents in the City through engineering evaluation of major intersections and corridors.
- Objective 1.b: Reduce speeding and aggressive driving behavior through 4 E's i.e. Education, Enforcement, Empowerment, and Engineering.
- Objective 1.c: Ensure that roadway construction and retrofit programs include complete streets elements.
a. Reduction in average speed at specific locations measured annually.
b. Completion of Tennyson Road Feasibility Study.
c. Completion of Hayward Blvd Traffic Calming and Safety Concept Plan.
d. Completion of a Complete Streets Inventory Baseline.
GOAL 2: Provide complete streets that balance the diverse needs of users of the public right-of-way.
- Objective 2.a: Increase walking, biking, transit usage, carpooling, and other suitable modes of transportation by designing and retrofitting streets to accommodate all modes.
a. Miles of new or replaced sidewalk.
b. Miles of new bike lanes.
c. Number of new or enhanced crosswalks.
d. Number of new curb ramps.
e. Number of new or upgraded streetlights.
f. Miles of repaired or repaved roadways.
GOAL 3: Maintain sufficient funding to provide for existing and future transportation facility and service needs, including the operation and maintenance of the transportation system.
- Objective 3.a: Establish a sustainable funding mechanism and dedicated funding source to build a complete streets network.
- Objective 3.b: Establish a maintenance plan for complete streets projects.
a. Percentage of funding provided by grants.
Additional resources related to Complete Streets: