Obtain a dog license
The Hayward Animal Shelter issues licenses for dogs living at City of Hayward addresses only. For addresses in unincorporated parts of Hayward, contact the Santa Rita Animal Shelter at 925.803.7040.
There are proven advantages in licensing your dog. Licensed dogs are often returned to their owners more quickly, saving owners the cost of impounding and boarding fees. Microchipping is an added protection against pet loss for both dogs and cats.
Cats are not required to be licensed. As a result, fewer than 1% of the cats rescued each year are returned to their owners. For this reason, a cat should wear a collar and ID tag with its owner's information.
Dog License Requirements - In order to acquire a dog license, owners must provide the following:
- A valid Rabies vaccination certificate for the dog from a licensed veterinarian
- A certificate from your veterinarian stating that your dog has been spayed or neutered (required to qualify for the reduced licensing rate only)
- Payment of the $52 fee for unaltered animals and $17 fee for altered animals
Obtaining a Dog License - Dog licenses are issued for the valid vaccination period only (one to three years). You may apply either by mail or in person.
By Mail - Mail a copy of the current rabies certificate, spay/neuter certificate, and correct fees to:
Hayward Animal Services Bureau
License Division
16 Barnes Court
Hayward, CA 94544
In Person - Bring the required certificates and fee to the Animal Shelter during these hours:
(Temporary change in hours due to staffing shortages.)
Tuesday-Saturday - 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Closed Sunday, Monday and Holidays
For more information, please call Hayward Animal Services Bureau at 510.293.7200.