Join in the Great ShakeOut Drill...October 17, 2019 @ 10:17 am


Earthquakes may happen anywhere you work, live, or travel. Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills are our chance to practice together how to protect ourselves, and for everyone to become prepared. The goal is to save lives and prevent disasters from becoming catastrophes.

At 10:17 am on 10/17, join millions of participants in the largest earthquake drill ever, organized to inspire others to get ready for big earthquakes, and to prevent disasters from becoming catastrophes. In order to act quickly, you must practice what to do – participation in the ShakeOut Earthquake Drill is that opportunity.

Register at to involve your family or organization. You will receive information on how to prepare for earthquakes and what actions to take during and after the shaking, as well as other ShakeOut news and updates. You can also see who else is participating in your community at

This is also your opportunity to personally plan for a disaster.  Please visit  our Disaster Preparedness General Information website for step by step instructions on how to plan, make a kit, be informed, and get involved.