Regional Transportation Projects
Below is a list of links to regional transportation projects that could have impact on local traffic.
I-880 Express Lanes Construction (Metropolitan Transportation Commission)
The I-880 express lanes between Fremont and Oakland are scheduled to open late summer 2020. Nearly all the civil construction work has been completed. On-going work includes installing, connecting and testing tolling equipment and connecting fiber cable for future traffic monitoring in the corridor.
I-880 Interchange Improvements - Whipple Road/Industrial Parkway Southwest and Industrial Parkway (Alameda County Transportation Commission)
The I-880 Interchange Improvements Project (project) aims to improve traffic operations and safety at the I-880/Whipple Road-Industrial Parkway Southwest and I-880/Industrial Parkway West interchanges by improving accessibility and enhancing mobility to the City of Hayward Industrial Technology and Innovation (ITI) Corridor. The project would include interchange on-and off-ramp reconfigurations, modifications and/or replacement of bridge structures, local roadway realignments and restriping, and bicycle and pedestrian improvements in the cities of Hayward and Union City, in Alameda County. The project is currently in the preliminary engineering/environmental phase.
I-880 Interchange Improvements - Winton Avenue/A Street (Alameda County Transportation Commission)
Proposed improvements include reconfiguring the I-880 interchanges at Winton Avenue and A Street to enhance access to the surrounding residential, retail and commercial land uses, implementing Complete Streets features at both interchanges and providing northbound and southbound auxiliary lanes along the mainline between the two interchanges. Improvements will also involve modifying signals and reconfiguring intersections to improve truck turning movements.
East 14th Street/Mission and Fremont Boulevard Multimodal Corridor (Alameda County Transportation Commission)
This project will build off of existing planning and improvement efforts, conduct a detailed analysis of multimodal mobility within the corridor, and identify specific implementable short-, medium- and long-term improvements to advance them to project delivery.
East Bay Greenway – Lake Merritt BART to South Hayward BART (Alameda County Transportation Commission)
The Project proposes to construct a bicycle and pedestrian facility that will generally follow the BART alignment for a distance of 16 miles and traverse the cities of Oakland, San Leandro, and Hayward as well as the unincorporated communities of Ashland and Cherryland. The Project connects seven BART stations as well as downtown areas, schools, and other major destinations.