Greywater Reuse Systems

Greywater is gently used water from your bathroom sinks, showers, tubs, and washing machines. In Hayward, property owners can legally install certain types of greywater reuse systems. In particular, laundry-to-landscape systems can be installed without a permit if rules are followed.

Greywater Garden
Greywater Garden photo courtesy of Jeremy Levine via flickr

Up to 40% of your indoor water can be captured and reused as graywater. Sources of graywater in the home include the laundry, bathroom faucets, showers, and bathtubs. Kitchen sink, diaper soiled water, and "blackwater" (toilet flush water) are not acceptable sources of graywater.

Greywater Action Network is a non-profit that provides classes throughout the bay area on installing greywater systems.

Laundry-to-Landscape Greywater Systems
Laundry-to-landscape systems are allowed in California without a permit as long as you comply with a few rules. All other systems must be permitted. For more information, contact the City's permit center.

Greywater Action Network provides a video on designing a laundry-to-landscape system: