We are a liaison between the Police Department and the community, utilizing various forms of outreach in order to engage and educate community members, empowering them with the knowledge and tools to avoid being a victim of crime, and to proactively deter crime in their neighborhoods.
Among the Division's responsibilities are Community Engagement, District Operations, Traffic Enforcement, Personnel and Training, Youth and Family Services and Volunteer Programs.
For more information about the division contact:
![]() | Community Services Division Captain Heather Linteo Hayward Police Department 300 W. Winton Ave. Hayward, CA 94544 (510) 293-5041 |
![]() | Community Services Division Lieutenant Antonio Puente Hayward Police Department 300 W. Winton Ave. Hayward, CA 94544 (510) 293-7285 |
Community engagement is at the heart of the Community Services Division and the Hayward Police Department. Communication and enagagment are key to building an inclusive and strong relationship between the Hayward Police Department and the community we serve.
There are many ways that the police department engages with the Hayward community. News releases and public advisories, which deal with issues such as crime prevention, safety issues and traffic concerns, are an important tool but just one part of our community engagement strategy. We also give presentations to community organizations, attend neighborhood meetings, organize in-person get together's like Coffee with a Cop and National Night Out, and utilize social meda to connect with our community.
Social Media
We see social media as a unique opportunity to engage with residents and the community online.
Utilizing our social media channels we are able to:
Review our social media and learn more about other City of Hayward social media accounts in our social hub, Hayward Social.
Join the conversation and stay connected with your Hayward Police Department, follow us on social!
For media inquires and information contact:
![]() | Community Engagement Specialist/PIO Officer Cassondra Fovel Hayward Police Department 300 W. Winton Ave. Hayward, CA 94544 (510) 293-3410 |
District Operations is a physical element of the Hayward Police Department’s Community Policing and Neighborhood Policing efforts.
The Hayward Police Department strongly embraces the philosophy of Community Policing in all its daily operations and functions. Community Policing is based upon a partnership between the police and the community whereby the police and the community share responsibility for identifying, reducing, eliminating and preventing problems that impact community safety and order. By working together, the police and the community can reduce the fear and incidence of crime and improve the quality of life in neighborhoods citywide. In this effort, the community and police work as partners to identify and prioritize problems of crime and disorder and share the responsibility for the development and implementation of proactive problem-solving strategies to address identified issues. The strategies used prove success because they mobilize the efforts and resources of the police, the community and local government.
District offices are a physical element of the Hayward Police Department’s Community Policing and Neighborhood Policing efforts. We believe in being engaged in our neighborhoods and in providing police services that are accessible and understanding of the needs of neighborhoods. Rather than centralizing every police function from one central police facility with an expectation for the public to “bring issues to us,” we have established district offices that enable us to extend our community policing efforts and support closer to the neighborhoods we serve.
District Operations has two district offices which were created to better serve the residential and business communities in Hayward. Each district office is designed to be staffed by one Lieutenant, two Police Officers, one Crime Prevention Specialist and One Community Service Officer. The Northern District office serves Hayward residents that are North of Harder Road and Hwy 92; while the Southern District office serves residents south of Harder Road and Hwy 92. Both District offices are off site from the police department having their own “store front” to allow a high level of accessibility to the community. Each Lieutenant staffing the district offices serves as the department’s liaison with the community. The District Operations staff serve as a conduit between both the community and the police department as wells as the Police Department and City Hall regarding chronic neighborhood issues or any situations that are affecting quality of life for our residents.
For more information about District Operations contact:
![]() | District Operations Lieutenant Antonio Puente Hayward Police Department 22701 Main St. Hayward, CA 94544 (510) 293-7285 |
For more information about the District Offices contact:
![]() | District Operations Sergeant Zach Fay 22701 Main St. Hayward, CA 94544 (510) 293-3498 |
The Hayward Police Department Traffic Enforcement Bureau is comprised of a Sergeant, seven Motor Officers and an administrative secretary. The goal of the Traffic Enforcement Bureau is to serve the community by enforcing the California Vehicle Code and many ordinances covered in the Hayward Municipal Code. Many of the current projects are in response to community concerns and complaints regarding speeding, bicycle and pedestrian safety as well as other vehicle violations. The ultimate goal of the team members is to foster greater overall traffic and pedestrian safety in the city.
HPD Officers in the Traffic Enforcement Bureau have participated in a variety of specialized training in order to meet the requirements of a traffic officer within the department. Some of this training includes motorcycle training, precision driving, radar operation, several levels of accident investigation and accident reconstruction.
The Hayward Police Department Traffic Enforcement Bureau is dedicated to enforcing all Vehicle Code and traffic related Municipal Code laws. The officers assigned to the Traffic Enforcement Bureau currently enforce traffic laws in high accident intersections and conduct speed enforcement along major thoroughfares.
To report a traffic problem in your neighborhood, submit a Service Request below. Be sure to have an accurate address or location prior to making your report. Description of the nature of the problem along with dates and time will be beneficial for the Traffic Enforcement Bureau to determine the best course of action.
Report a Traffic Issue Truck Routes and Transportation Permits
For more information contact:
![]() | Traffic Enforcement Supervisor Sergeant Mike Matthews Hayward Police Department 300 W. Winton Ave. Hayward, CA 94544 (510) 293-3329 |
The Personnel and Training Unit is responsible for the hiring and training of all employees at the Hayward Police Department.
The P&T Unit conducts recruitment and hiring for all available positions and is responsible for the continuous professional training given to sworn police officers.
Recruitment Website Personnal and Training Page Training Materials
For more information contact:
![]() Lieutenant Ryan Sill Hayward Police Department 300 W. Winton Ave. Hayward, CA 94544 (510) 293-7031 | ![]() Sergeant John Padavana Hayward Police Department 300 W. Winton Ave. Hayward, CA 94544 (510) 293-3406 |
The Youth & Family Services Bureau is a unique part of the Hayward Police Department where police officers and professional counselors work side by side offering a variety of services to the residents of Hayward.
For more than 40 years, YFSB has focused on helping families succeed at home, school and in the community. YFSB seeks to strengthen the Hayward community through creating opportunities for kids to grow up in healthy and safe neighborhoods and schools. The dedicated YFSB staff strives to reduce delinquency and crime through a range of services that address the specific needs of each family. When a child is getting into trouble, sometimes law enforcement is not the answer. Sometimes it is. The teamwork between the cops and counselors in YFSB allows for each family’s unique situation to be assessed. YFSB also offers a variety of prevention services that encourage youth to stay out of trouble and provide them with positive ways to engage with their peers and the community.
Youth and Family Serivces Bureau Programs and Information
For more information contact:
Youth and Family Services Bureau Administrator Dr. Emily Young Hayward Police Department 300 W. Winton Ave. Hayward, CA 94544 (510) 293-7021 |
The Hayward Police Department has two active volunteer programs: The Ambassador Program and the Reserve Officer Program.
Ambassador Program:
The Ambassador Program consists of volunteers trained to provide foot patrol services in the downtown Hayward area. An Ambassador usually volunteers about 2 hours per week.
Reserve Officer Program:
The Hayward Reserve Police Bureau is a volunteer organization, whose members supplement full time paid officers. The Reserve Bureau members conduct a variety of activities including assisting with large events, traffic control, serving arrest warrants, conducting random audits for compliance with sex registrants and supplementing daily activities that our regular sworn beat officers are engaged in everyday.
For more information contact:
Crime Prevention Specialist North District Office 22701 Main St. Hayward, CA 94541 (510) 293-5051 | Mike Rippy Hayward Police Department 300 W. Winton Ave. Hayward, CA 94544 (510) 293-7089 |