If you are a Hayward resident or work in Hayward and become a victim of identity theft, make your preliminary report with the Hayward Police Department and your case will be forwarded to and investigated by the jurisdiction where the crime occurred. Please visit the following links for resources to help protect yourself from ID Theft or recover your good name once you have become a victim.
To speak to a Counselor by phone, call the Identity Theft Resource Center 1(888) 400-5530, or visit their website: Identity Theft Resource Center.
Instructions for Identity Theft Victims
ID Theft Report (English)
ID Theft Report (Spanish)
Use the attached resources to help protect yourself from the fastest growing crime in the United States.
Income tax fraud is one of the fastest growing types of Identity Theft and the most difficult to prevent. It cannot be detected by a fraud alert, credit freeze or by monitoring your other existing accounts. The only way to prevent income tax fraud is by making sure you file your taxes before anyone else can. If you are already the victim of identity theft or believe your information has been compromised you may also file an affidavit with the IRS. Once filed, the IRS attaches a password to your social security number, which is sent to you prior to tax time and is required to file your taxes. Unfortunately the Franchise Tax Board does not yet offer the same option.
If someone has filed a tax return using your personal information or you receive a notice of back taxes owed do to someone having worked using your personal information….contact the IRS and the Franchise Tax Board, in addition to the steps already listed above. Do not assume that it is only your taxes that are affected.
ID Theft Affidavit
IRS Tax Return Waiver Form
IRS: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f14039.pdf
Franchise Tax Board: https://www.ftb.ca.gov/help/scams/identity-theft.html
You may also report internet crimes or suspected scams to the Internet Crime Complaint Center. The IC3 is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation, National White Collar Crime Center and the Bureau of Justice Assistance, which provides a central referral mechanism for complaints involving Internet related crimes.