Vice / Intelligence Investigations
The Vice-Intelligence personnel investigate offenses such as illegal gambling, prostitution, pimping, pandering, liquor law violations and pornography. The Vice Detail also oversees the licensing and inspection of bars, retail establishments were alcohol and tobacco are sold, massage parlors and other providers of holistic services. Oversight and enforcement of these operations is to ensure compliance with State regulations and the requirements of the Hayward Municipal Code.
Homeland Security Liaison
The Homeland Security Liaison is a recognized and duly-appointed liaison with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies scoped with investigating, studying, analyzing and sharing intelligence information on matters related to terrorist activity and organized crime that potentially impacts public safety in Hayward, or activity that may occur in Hayward that could impact homeland security on a larger scale.
What Can I Do To Help?
Efforts each of you make to be vigilant, such as reporting suspicious items or activities to authorities, do make a difference. Every citizen, using their common sense and their eyes and ears can support our efforts to keep Hayward safe.
Service Contacts:
Criminal Investigations Bureau 510-293-7034
Additional Information:
To report any crime, call 510-293-7000.
To report a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1